About Us
The author and owner of this site
Dr. Yury Berengard
is a mathematician, an engineer, a scientist and a teacher
in the one person ( ! ). He graduated from a high school in
1961 with a Gold medal. After this he learnt 10 years more
and received as a result
higher educations:
the Moscow Automobile and Road-Construction Institute as a
(1966) and the Moscow State Lomonosov University
as a
M.Sc. in Mathematics
In 1979 he defended a thesis in the field of computer-aided engineering and analysis of hydraulic systems and received a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences. In 1989 he prepared a post-doctorate thesis on results of his scientific research during 15 years. He is an author of 2 books, a lot of papers and patents.
The fields of his professional interests: Dynamics of Hydraulic and Mechanical Systems, Mathematical Simulation, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Software Engineering, Computer-Aided Design and Engineering, System Analysis, Developing of On-line Learning Methods on the Base of Web Technologies.
From 1990 Dr. Y.Berengard lives in Israel. At first during two years he worked in Technion – Israel Institute of Technology; from 1993 till 2005 he worked in a great Hi-Tech company. Now he works in the field of developing of on-line learning methods on the base of web technologies, he is a web manager and CEC - Certified E-commerce Consultant.
Dr.Y.Berengard is married, he has two sons.
His younger son Sergey (
left photo)
is the nearest assistant in creation of this site.
During 40 years
Berengard has prepared more
than 600 pupils for studies in the leading higher schools and
universities: Moscow State Lomonosov University ( mechanical-mathematical, applied-mathematical,
physical and biological faculties); Moscow Physical-Technical
Institute; Moscow Physical-Engineering Institute; Moscow Bauman
Higher Technical School; Moscow Power Institute; Moscow Institute of Steel and
Alloys Technology; Moscow Institue of Radio Engineering, Electronics
and Automation; Moscow Aviation Institute; Technion
Israel Institute
of Technology,
Tel Aviv
University etc.
The proposed mathematical web high school is a result of the richest professional and teaching experience, accumulated by Dr. Y. Berengard for these years.
The project participants
Yury Berengard
– the project manager, Ph.D., CEC – Certified E-commerce Consultant
Izabella Berengard
– the project commercial director
Sergey Berengard
– web designer ( the site elaboration and development )